Terms & Conditions

Version date: March 2023

RE:STYLE operated by oneUp BV (“RE:STYLE,” “we”, “us” or “our”), is an online portal and web-app service (the “Service”) for mobile devices (“Platform”) that enable end-users (“Users”, “you” or “your”) to receive personalized style advice, upload their own items, and create outfits digitally. 

These Terms and Conditions (“Terms”) apply to use of the service and the RE:STYLE, which can be accessed via this website, the iOS App Store and via joining links potentially sent via various other channels.


This Service is part of a trial owned and operated by oneUp BV. Please read our privacy notice to see our GDPR compliance and compliance with applicable privacy laws in other jurisdictions where the Service is available.

The concept

RE:STYLE, a mobile application to receive personalized style advice for the next generation of Fashion Enthusiasts, where you can create your own digital outfits with recommendations that fit your style preferences. 

Who is behind RE:STYLE

RE:STYLE is an initiative operated by oneUp BV. It is currently in an early phase of development where we’re testing interest and use with a small-scale audience of around up to 300 users.


This is a trial and waitlist for our service

We are testing this Service in a trial mode, which means the quality of the Service cannot be guaranteed. Users can derive no rights from using this Service and RE:STYLE or oneUp BV will in no circumstance be liable for any damages or any other compensation related to participation or the use of the Service. 

To subscribe, users sign up (register) for the waitinglist, or download the Service via a link provided by RE:STYLE. Users by signing up or downloading the Service, automatically opt-in for RE:STYLE communications by email and via the RE:STYLE service (such as notifications). These users are eligible to become one of the first users of the Service in the next phase. A user can unsubscribe from the waitlist and cease participation in the trial at any time by messaging [email protected]

Subscriptions are limited to one per individual. An individual is not permitted to create multiple accounts with different email addresses.


Given the Service is in its early development, the details and concept of the offering may change quickly. Therefore all information posted on RE:STYLE is subject to change without notice. In addition, and to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, these Terms may be changed at any time without prior notice. We will make such changes by posting them on RE:STYLE. Your continued access of the Platform after such changes conclusively demonstrates your acceptance of those changes.

oneUp reserves the right to terminate the Service, or any part of it, at any time on 30 days prior written notice (to be provided on our website, app or through other communications to you, including via email or text message). If the Program is terminated, you will have up to 30 days after the effective termination date to redeem any coins in your account. After the expiry of the 30 day period, any coins that have not been redeemed will be forfeited.

oneUp reserves the right to sell or transfer all or part of the Service to a related company or to a third party, to merge with another entity or to engage in any form of corporate, reorganization or financing transaction. In addition, the manner in which the Service is provided to you and the organizations providing offers in connection with the Service may change. 

If any of the information you were required to submit when you registered for the RE:STYLEwaitlist changes (such as your email address), you must let us know immediately and give us your current information. We are not responsible if we cannot contact you because you have not given us current, accurate information.

We reserve the right to refuse to allow you or any person you seek to add to your account to join the RE:STYLE Service and/or waitlist for any reason in our sole discretion. We may, at any time, suspend or cancel your participation in RE:STYLE, if, in our view, you have abused any RE:STYLE Waitlist privilege, failed to follow these Terms and Conditions, or made any misrepresentation to us or to any entity associated with or participating in RE:STYLE.

Our failure to exercise any of our rights, powers or remedies in these Terms and Conditions or at law, or any delay in doing so, does not constitute a waiver of those rights, powers or remedies. The single or partial exercise of a right, power or remedy does not prevent its subsequent exercise or the exercise of any right, power or remedy.

If events beyond our control materially affect our ability to operate the RE:STYLE Service or waitlist, the waitlist may be suspended or terminated without notice

Each of the provisions contained in these Terms and Conditions is distinct and severable and a declaration of invalidity or unenforceability of any such provision or part thereof by a court of competent jurisdiction will not affect the validity or enforceability of any other provision of these Terms and Conditions.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about these Terms and Conditions, You can contact us:

By sending us an email: [email protected]

Privacy & Cookie Policy

oneUp B.V. (all acting under the name oneUp and RE:STYLE and hereafter referred to as “we” and “us”) are committed to protecting and respecting the privacy of any person of whom we collect personal information (“you”). We may collect your personal information through our website and through other means of contact. RE:STYLE collects and processes your personal information in compliance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”).

This Privacy and Cookie Policy (“Privacy Policy”) sets out which personal information we collect, the purpose thereof and how we treat your personal information. This Privacy Policy further informs you of your rights regarding your personal information collected and processed by us.

Processing of personal information

Whilst collecting and processing your personal information, we strictly adhere to the principles of (i) data minimization; (ii) access on professional need to know basis only; (iii) privacy by design. Where RE:STYLE processes personal information of visitors provided to RE:STYLE via the Website, oneUp BV shall act as processor as referred to in article 4(8) GDPR (“Processor”). Below it is set forth what kind of personal information is collected or processed by RE:STYLE the purpose thereof, which RE:STYLE employees will have access and when this happens.

1. We will collect the IP address of website visitors for the purpose of optimizing the web-experience of the visitor and to analyze the behaviour of visitors. We will collect this information with your consent and the information will only be visible to the RE:STYLE IT and marketing department.

2. We will collect the first name and e-mail of a visitor when such visitor visits the website and agrees to become a tester of our new service. We will collect this information with your consent and for the purpose of contacting you for feedback.


RE:STYLE may share your personal information with Hugo Boss, and does not share your personal information with other third parties. RE:STYLE works with third party IT-service providers of good reputation who process the personal information. These IT-service providers will not have access to your personal information, but merely store your personal information.

What is a cookie?

A cookie is a small file downloaded onto your computer when you access pages of a website and it’s stored by your browser on your computer’s hard-drive. The cookie enables your browser to be identified during repeated visits to a website.

Third party cookies

RE:STYLE uses third party cookies. The third party cookies we use are session cookies, anonymous analytics cookies and tracking cookies. We use session cookies to provide you the best web experience. Anonymous analytics cookies are stored in your browser the first time you visit our website and they are used to tell us if you have visited the website before. RE:STYLE uses this kind of information to keep count of how many unique visitors we have. We cannot use this cookie to identify individuals. Tracking cookies to serve advertisements regarding goods and services that may interest you.

Third party advertisers

We may use third-party advertising companies to serve advertisements regarding goods and services that may interest you when you access and use the websites or online services. To serve such advertisements, these companies place or recognize a unique cookie on your browser (including through use of pixel tags).

Deleting and rejecting cookies

You can use your computer’s browser settings to delete previously stored cookies and prevent new cookies from being stored. The method used for storing cookies depends on the type of browser; you can use your browser’s help function if necessary.

Third Party Websites and Links

RE:STYLE’s website may contain links to and from third party website. If you follow a link to any of these websites, please note that these websites have their own privacy policies and that we do not accept any responsibility or liability for these policies and websites.

Right to withdraw your consent

If you have given us consent in relation to particular processing or activities, you can withdraw your consent at any time by contacting us as indicated below.

Sensitive data

Unless specifically requested, we ask that you not send us, and you not disclose, on or through the Services or otherwise to us, any Sensitive Personal Data (e.g., social security numbers, national identification number, data related to racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religion, ideological or other beliefs, health, biometrics or genetic characteristics, criminal background, trade union membership, or administrative or criminal proceedings and sanctions).

Data retention

RE:STYLE will store personal information only as long as necessary to realize the purpose for which your personal information was collected, unless otherwise required by law.

Your personal information

If you wish to know, correct, supplement, delete or transfer your personal information held by us, or if you wish to withdraw your consent for the collecting of your personal information, please contact us by e-mail or by regular mail using the contact details mentioned below. We will use all reasonable efforts to inform you properly and honor your request. To prevent misuse, we might ask you to identify yourself.

You have the right to file a complaint with the supervisory authority:

Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens

Bezuidenhoutseweg 30,

2594 AV Den Haag, The Netherlands.


RE:STYLE reserves the right to make changes to this Privacy Policy at its own discretion and without notice. The most current version of the Privacy Policy shall always be available on RE:STYLE’s website. Where relevant and possible, you will be informed of an update to the Privacy Policy.


Contact information

Should you have any questions, requests or complaints with respect to the processing of your personal information, please address us at the contact details below.

oneUp B.V.

Johan Huizingalaan 400

1066 JS, Amsterdam

The Netherlands